
NARS,Kale Teter

    If you give your boyfriend a make-up brushes, they will how to use it ? Clean the accumulated dust on the games, or to brush honey to the toast? In the hands of the U.S. boy Kale Teter, brushes brought him 12 different styles of makeup.

     The 23-year-old young man recently uploaded his own 12 different Look in the makeup game which hosted by make-up brand NARS, some sexy, some Gothic, some fresh, his make-up tips ;et so many girls are feeling ashamed. Teter is not a professional makeup artist, but the shopper of Forever 21 clothing store, he has no professional make-up training. However,he learned painting when he was little, and in the arts school over 2 years experience in the post-secondary school education to give him some drawing skills. "If you already known about the texture, texturing, and blending, it will be much easier to learn how to make-up." He said.

     Teter moved to Portland five years ago, started of the make-up interest  after a lot of insight to  drag queen (dresser men), Teter said: "The first time I saw the drag queen I think they were some Indian warrior ,than I began with a fascination for a make-up to completely change the  people. "

