
Excel rather than blue


         Louis's son George was born in 1857, he received systematic education,had a stronger spirit of innovation and creativity. In 1881, people in the Manche tunnel under excavation,there were a  promising contacts with the British, so Louis said to his son : "We landed in the UK to become the first enterprise." In 1885, Louis Vuitton's first store opened in London. Louis hard all his life, died in 1892, his son taked over the baton to create a truly high-end luggage empire.
Late 19th to early 20th century, George has opened a branch in New York, Hollywood and  the United States high society as Louis Vuitton luggage for the treasures. Many super stars to Paris to buy a special bag. The bags also have a variety of applications come out.

        Louis Vuitton bags as the best-selling, many fakes are flooding the market. Louis Vuitton although this litigation, but did not stop the spread of counterfeit goods. George had an decided to invent a new canvas that others can not imitate. George invented a unique pattern of cross-weaving, and even today is still in use.

